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Ultimaker S5 Dual FDM 3D Printer
Last updated: 5/31/23 Haley
Description: Duel extrusion FDM 3D printer |
Manufacturer: Ultimaker |
The Ultimaker S5 is a filament fed fusion deposition 3D printer capable of simultaneously printing two different plastics at once. Typically the printer is set up with ABS as a build material, and PVA as a solvable support material.
Safety Concerns
- The print heads can be very hot - do not touch them with bare hands unless positive they are cool.
- As with any automated machinery make sure that your body is clear of the moving parts to avoid injury.
Training Documentation
Detailed Specifications
Ultimaker S5:
- Build Volume: 330x240x300 mm
- Filament diameter: 2.85 mm
- XYZ resolution: 6.9, 6.9, 2.5 micron
- Build plate temperature: 20-140 °C
- Nozzle Temperature: 180-280 °C
Reference Documentation
PVA Temps:
Extruder: 220 C
Bed: Whatever structural filament recommends
ABS Temps:
Extruder: 230 C
Bed: 100 C
ultimaker s5 specs
Quick start guide
ultimaker3_extended.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/26 19:36 by epace