This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
The CNSI Workshops are comprised of the Microfluidics Lab in 3430 Elings Hall and the Innovation Workshop in 2442 & 2448 Elings Hall. The Microfluidics Lab is used primarily by researchers building microfluidic devices, while the Innovation Workshop has a broader set of users including students, staff, and faculty who need access to a more traditional makerspace. Follow the links in the sidebar to explore the capability of the labs and to learn how to become a user.
This Wiki has information about: becoming a workshop user; safety, reference, and training information for the workshop tools; Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); chemical safety references; and other generally useful reference material for working productively in the CNSI Workshops.
Workshop wizards are undergraduate students who maintain the labs, provide training to users, design new tools, and build parts for users. Dr. Brian Dincau is the workshop manager. Please feel free to contact any of us with questions or ideas that you want to discuss.
Lab Announcements
All issues with the laser cutter have now been resolved. If you change any of the default settings in Corel Draw or Job Control, please make sure to change them back after use.
The laser cutter is currently not able to engrave. If you are going to use the machine, please stick to cutting only. Please bear with us while we try and fix this issue!
The Bambu X1C is back in service
The Bambu X1C is currently out of service due to printing issues. We are looking into the issue and hoping to get it up and running as soon as possible.
The lab manager will be out from 9/5 - 9/23 for an Engineers Without Borders project in Panama. New User Orientations will be on hold until he returns. For tools training, such as laser cutters and 3D printers, please fill out the Training Request Form as usual, and lab staff will reach out with training times.
Today we begin moving our machine tools into 2442 and saying our final goodbyes to 2448. Please do not plan around using the machine tools for the remainder of this week – there will be a lot of commotion as we reorganize and clean.
This summer, the Innovation Workshop is moving to Elings 3430. For more information, please see this memo.
In other news, we finally received a cartridge of FormLabs Silicone 40A resin. Please reach out to me if you are interested in using it for your research. It's about double the cost of other FormLabs resins, but has an unparalleled combination of softness & temperature resistance.
The Innovation Workshop and Microfluidics Lab have been merged into one FBS facility. Please ensure that you are working inside the new facility, appropriately named “Innovation Workshop & Microfluidics Lab”. Let us know if you have any questions or notice anything missing.
Hotlinks for Submissions and Requests
Job Submission Google Form
The job submission form allows you to upload files or request correspondence to get a part made by our workshop wizards.
Training Request Google Form
The training request form includes the new user orientation, which is required to become a user of these labs.
Access to the Workshops
Please visit this page for information about becoming a new user and gaining card-key access to the labs.
Contact Information
Please reach out to Brian and/or the workshop wizards with questions or concerns about the lab and its tools!
Lab Manager
Brian Dincau: Elings 3217;; (805) 724-0426
Workshop Wizards
Yanis: (Out until Fall 2024)
Rachel: (Out until Fall 2024)
Colin: (Out until Fall 2024)
Jason: (Out until Fall 2024)
Grace :