Workshop Wizards are undergraduate students who maintain the labs, provide training to users, design new tools, and build parts for users. This page serves as a reference for documentation specific to lab employees and should not need to be referenced by general lab users.
The Weekly Cleaning Guide serves as a general resource for the weekly cleaning and maintenance performed by the Workshop Wizards. This must be completed once a week to insure tools are kept in like new condition and the lab is kept stoked, organized, and clean for all users.
The Workshop Wizard Inventory Checklist should be checked every week and done alongside the weekly cleaning. It lists all frequency used consumables and their suppliers along with the necessary number of each item. Should current inventory fall below the minimum quantity of items, Gateway should be used to purchase new consumables.
Use the Gateway portal to make purchasing procurements and assign carts to lab managers and PI's. Instructions on how to use Gateway for a variety of suppliers can be found here.
Please use the Projects Spreadsheet to sign up for and track ongoing internal jobs.
The Workshop Wizard Training Process Outline provides an overview of the training process for both labs. Please study this before beginning planning for a training.
To create a recipe for a new approved material, begin by doing research on what power and speed is generally used for your material. Be sure to account for the differences in speed and power of the printer you’re using versus the printer which you found the material recipe for. Your recipe will be a Speed(0-100%) and Power(0-100%) setting for both engraving and cutting your material. Cutting will need significantly more power/less speed than engraving. Remember that a lower speed will result in a higher cutting intensity and vice versa. To make a new recipe, click the setting menu in JobControl select Material settings. Create a new recipe for each color indicating whether it is cutting or engraving. Many recipes are already available for use/reference in JobControl. Creating a new recipe for a material will require experimentation of different power and speed values. Always start conservatively so as not to cause a fire or damage the printer. Slowly move up in intensity(higher power, lower speed) until you reach the intended cutting intensity. For example, if the laser is not fully cutting through the material, either increase power or decrease speed. If part is overly burning/melting, decrease power or increase speed.
Lens and Mirror Cleaning
Printer Lens and Mirrors must be cleaned weekly to remove the buildup of dirt and dust and prolong the life of the lens and mirror. There are two mirrors however mirror #2 requires removing the right side maintenance panel and should only be cleaned by IW staff. Always check Lens cleaning log before printing and ensure the lens was cleaned at least 2 weeks before. To clean the lens and Mirror #1:
Particulate Filter Change for Atmos Compact
Note the following when conducting maintenance on the Atmos:
Tools | Location | Training SOP |
Stratasys Objet30 Pro Polyjet 3D Printer | uFL 3430 | Objet 30 Users Outline and SOP |
MiiCraft 50 DLP 3D Printer | IW 2442 | Miicraft 50 SOP |
Sonoplot Multimaterial Writer | uFL 3430 | |
Carbide 3D Nomad | REMOVED | Carbide 3D Training SOP |
Optical Microfluidics Punch | uFL 3430 | |
Droplet Microfluidics Workstation | uFL 3430 | |
Neytech Qex Furnace | uFL 3430 | |
Laser Welder | uFL 3430 | |
Power Supplies | IW 2448 | |
Olympus AX-70 | in storage | |
3D Print Water Jet Cleaning Station | uFL 3430 | |
Optical Alignment Tool | uFL 3430 | |
Phantom VR211 High Speed Camera | uFL 3430 |