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SCA 1200 HT NaOH Parts Bath

NaOH Bath
Tool Type: Post-processing
Location: Elings 3430
Description: NaOH bath for dissolving F270 support material
Manufacturer: PADT

Last updated 1/5/23 Haley


This tool is used to dissolve the support filament printed by the Stratysys F270 FDM 3D printer. Parts can be loaded into the main bucket or suspended in a smaller cage during the support removal process.

Safety Concerns

This tool makes use of a heated solvent! A lab coat, face shield, and nitrile gloves must be wore by the user whenever the SCA 1200 HT is to be opened to protect from solution and vapor fumes. In case of contact with solution flush eyes, and skin with water, remove all contaminated clothing, and get medical attention immediately.

Operating Procedures

  1. Remove completed part on build tray from F270 3D printer
  2. Remove part from build tray, making sure to scrape build tray free of ALL residue
  3. Put on a lab coat, nitrile gloves, and a face shield
  4. Open lid on SCA 1200 HT
  5. Slowly lift large basket, allow time to for excess solution to drip back into SCA 1200HT
    NOTE: If solution rises above specific level alarm will sound, this is common when lifting or lowering basket and means you're moving too fast!
  6. Rotate basket 90 degrees to rest on lip while adding part
  7. Open basket, place part inside (if part is small, consider using smaller stainless steel cage located near by
  8. Close basket and SLOWLY lower back into solution (alarm will sound if lowered too quickly.
  9. Select desired temperature and use the “Set” button and arrows to select desired time
  10. Press power button to begin wash
  11. Follow steps 3-6 to remove part, followed by steps 8 to replace basket
  12. Part should be allowed to drip, before being rinsed in sink with plenty of warm water

Detailed Specifications

Reference Documentation

FDM Training SOP
