======Yamoto DKN400 Convection Oven====== ^ Yamoto Convection Oven ^ | {{:final_oven.jpg?200|}} | | **Tool Type:** Oven | | **Location:** Elings 3430 | | **Description:** Convection oven | | **Manufacturer:** Yamoto | 1/5/23 Haley ---- ===== About ===== Mechanical convection ovens utilize a motorized fan to create a consistent distribution of flowing air that allows for quick and uniform heating. ---- ===== Safety Concerns ===== * High Voltage * High Temperature * No combustibles or hazardous materials * Thermally insulating gloves must be worn when working with hot items. They can usually be found on the bench next to the ovens. * No food may be placed in laboratory ovens. * Never heat a sealed container. * Do not operate the oven if it is damaged, or is not working properly. Please place a note on the oven to alert other users, and notify laboratory staff of the problem. * **Double containment is required for heating containers of liquid to prevent leaked material from contaminating the oven. This is especially true when heating PDMS molds. ** ---- ===== Operating Procedures ===== - Enter the set point temperature (see instructions for the different controllers below) - Place your items in the oven. Remember to place liquid materials on a baking sheet or other secondary container. - Set the countdown timer for the length of your run. If the timer reads zero time remaining another user who needs to use the oven may remove your items. - Remove your items from the oven and close the door. - The oven is left powered on. __Changing the oven set point__ - Press FIXED TEMP - Use the ↑↓ to adjust the temperature - Press the SET/ENT button __Setting the countdown timers__ - Press 1 - Enter the run time (HMS buttons) - Press 1 to start the countdown - Press and hold 1 to reset ---- ===== Detailed Specifications ===== * Temperature range: 5C-260C * Ambient temperature: 23C * Warming time: room temperature to 260C in approx. 60 minutes * Cooling time: 260C to 50C in approx. 150 minutes * Heater: 1.2kw SUS pipe heater * Internal dimensions: 450mm x 400mm x 400mm * Capacity: 2.5 cu. ft. * 2 shelves ----- ===== Reference Documentation ===== {{:tools:yamoto_oven:dkn400.pdf | DKN400 Operation Manual}} [[lab-oven-SOP|Laboratory Oven SOP]] ----