====== Tools and Documentation ======
===== Tools That Require Training =====
==== 3D Printers ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^ Training SOP ^
|[[form3|FormLabs Form3 SLA 3D Printer]]|3430|[[form2sop|Form 2/3 SOP]] |
|[[ultimaker3_extended|Ultimaker3/S5 Extended Dual FDM 3D Printer]]|3430| [[ultimaker_3_sop|FDM Training]] |
|[[stratasys_f270|Stratasys F270 FDM 3D Printer]]|3430|[[ultimaker_3_sop|FDM Training]] |
|[[bambulab|Bambu Lab X1-Carbon FDM 3D Printer]]|3430|[[x1carbon_sop|X1-Carbon SOP]]|
==== PDMS Processing ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^ Training SOP ^
|[[spin_coater|Laurell WS-650M Spin Coater]]|3430|{{ :laurel_spin_coater.pdf |}}|
|[[thinky_mixer|Thinky ARE-310 Mixer]]|3430|{{ :tools:thinkymixer:thinky_are-310_mixer_programming_handout.pdf |Thinky Mixer}} |
|[[plasma_cleaner|Harrick Plasma Cleaner PDC-32G]]|3430| {{ :tools:plasmacleaner:ufl_harrick_plasma_operating_instructions.pdf | Plasma Cleaner SOP}}|
|[[novascan_ozone_cleaner|Novascan Ozone Cleaner]]|3430| [[Ozone Cleaner SOP]] |
|[[vapor_silanation_rig_new|Vapor Silanization Rig New]]|3430| [[vapor_silanation_rig_sop_new|Vapor Silanization Rig SOP New]]|
==== Metalworking & Woodworking ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^ Training SOP ^
|[[bandsaw|Bandsaw]]|2442|[[bandsaw_sop|Bandsaw Safe Operating Procedure]]|
|[[shopbot_desktop|ShopBot Desktop CNC Router]]|2442|[[shopbotdesktoptrainingsop|ShopBot Desktop Training SOP]]|
| [[Diamond Saw]] |3430|[[trimsaw2sop|Dimond TrimSaw 2 Training SOP]] |
| [[sherline_cnc_mill|Flashcut / Sherline CNC Mill]]|3430|[[sherline_training_sop|Sherline CNC Training SOP]]|
| [[wen_drill_press|WEN vertical Drill Press]]|2442|[[drill_press_sop|Cnsi Drill Press SOP]] |
|[[grinder|Delta 6" Bench Grinder]]|2442|[[grindersop|CNSI Innovation Workshop Benchtop Grinder User Outline]]|
|[[sander|Grizzly bench Combo Disk/Belt Sander]]|2442| [[sandersop|CNSI Innovation Workshop Grizzly H8192 Combination Belt/Disk Sander User Outline]]|
|[[mill|Precision Matthews Milling Machine]]|2442|[[millsop|Manual Milling Machine Training SOP]] |
|[[haas_mini_mill|Haas Super Mini Mill]]|3430| [[haas_super_mini_mill_training_sop|Haas Super Mini Mill Training SOP]]|
| [[Miter Saw Panel Saw| Festool Miter Saw]]|2442|[[miter_saw_sop|Miter Saw Training SOP]]|
| [[Precision Matthews Lathe]] |2442| |
^ Tool ^ Location ^ Training SOP ^
|[[keyence_microscope|Keyence VHX-5000 Microscope]] |3430| [[keyence_sop|Keyence Microscope Training SOP]]|
|[[trotec_speedy|Trotec Speedy 100]]|3430|[[laser_cutter_training_sop|Laser cutting SOP]] |
|[[wazer_waterjet|Wazer Waterjet Cutter]]|2442|[[waterjetsop|Waterjet SOP]] |
|[[crystalmark|CrystalMark Etching Tool]]|3430|[[crystalmarksop|CrystalMark SOP]] |
=====Other Available Tools=====
====Microfluidics Tools ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
| [[Pressure Casting Chamber]] |in storage|
|[[exposure_system|36W 365 nm UV Exposure System]]|3430|
|[[syringe_pumps_ne|New Era Single Syringe Pumps]]|3430|
|[[syringe_pumps_ha|Harvard Apparatus Dual Syringe Pumps]]|3430|
|[[electro-technic_treater|Electro-Technic BD-20AC Corona Treater]] |3430|
|[[pipette cutter| Pipette Cutter]] |3430 |
|[[sonicator_bath| Sonicator Bath]] |3430 |
====Heating Tools====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
| [[Vacuum Oven]] |3430|
| [[thermoline_furnace|Thermoline 1315M Furnace]] |in storage|
| [[yamoto-convection|Yamoto DKN400 Convection Oven]] |3430|
| [[lindberg-convection-oven|Lindberg Blue M Convection Oven]]|3430|
|[[lindberg-oven|Thermoline/Lindberg Blue M Oven]]|in storage|
| [[Hot Press]] |3430 |
|[[corning_hot_plate|Corning 6795-620D Hot Plate]]|3430 & 2442|
| [[Programmable Hot Plate]] |3430 |
====Measurement and Inspection Tools ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
| [[Electronic Scales]] |3430 & 2442|
| [[Height Gauge]] |3430 & 2442 |
|[[fisher_acumet|Fisher Acumet pH Meter]]|3430 |
| [[Thermal Camera]] |3430 |
|[[photobooth_camera|Canon Camera]]|3430|
|[[nikon_camera|Nikon Camera]]|3430|
| [[Boroscope]] |2442|
==== Metalworking and woodworking tools====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
| [[Mini Drill Press]] |2442|
| [[Jig Saw]] |2442|
| [[Arbor Press]] |2442|
====Electronics tools ====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
|[[xytornix_soldering_station|Xytronic LF-853D soldering station]]|3430|
| [[Digital Volt Meter]] |3430 |
| [[Oscilloscope]] |3430 |
====Post-Processing for 3D Prints====
^ Tool ^ Location ^
|[[formcure_uv|FormCure UV Curing Station]]|3430 |
|[[formwash_cleaner|Form Wash Cleaner]] |3430|
|[[sca_naoh_bath|SCA 1200 HT NaOH parts bath]]|3430 |
^ Tool ^ Location ^
|[[cricut|CriCut]]|3430 |
|[[einscan-sp|EinScan-SP 3D Scanner]]|3430 |
|[[Laminator|Laminator]]|3430 |
|[[sewing_machine|Sewing Machine]]|3430|