====== Novascan Ozone Cleaner ====== ^ Ozone Cleaner ^ | {{ :tools:novascanozonecleaner:novascan_ozone_cleaner.jpg?nolink&200 |}} | | **Tool Type:** Surface treatment | | **Location:** Elings 3430 | | **Description:** Ozone chamber with UV bulb and adjustable platform. | | **Manufacturer:** Novascan | ---- ===== About ===== From the manufacturer: "Novascan UV Ozone Cleaners have proven to be highly effective for non-acidic, dry, non-destructive atomic cleaning and removal of organic contaminants using intense 185 nm and 254 nm ultraviolet light. In the presence of oxygen, the 185 line produces ozone and while the 254 line excites organic molecules on the surface. This combination drives the rapid destruction and decimation of organic contaminants." ---- ===== Safety Concerns ===== **Ultraviolet Radiation Hazard** - Due to a device interlock, the UV bulb is only on when the chamber is closed.\\ **Pinching Hazard** - Careful when closing the lid to avoid pinching fingers.\\ **Electrical Hazard** - No liquids allowed. \\ **Gas Exposure** - Leave sample in the chamber for an *additional 1-2 minutes* after cleaning. \\ **Height of sample** - Make sure that the sample is below the height of the block to avoid damaging the tool. The block should be placed on the metal base of the tool, below the platform where you place your sample. ---- ===== Training Documentation ===== [[ozone_cleaner_sop|Ozone Cleaner Training SOP]] ---- ===== Detailed Specifications ===== Platform volume - about 9" x 9" x 4" \\ Lamp type - mercury vapor \\ No temperature control \\ ---- ===== Reference Documentation ===== {{:tools:novascanozonecleaner:novascan_uv-ozone_cleaner_user_guide.pdf|User Guide}} {{ :tools:novascanozonecleaner:novascan_uv_ozone_checklist_r2.docx |}} -----