====== Haas Super Mini Mill ===== ^ Haas ^ | {{ :tools:haasminimill:haas_mini_mill.jpg?nolink&200 |}} | | **Tool Type:** CNC | | **Location:** Elings 3430 | | **Description:** CNC milling machine | | **Manufacturer:** Haas | Last edited 8/26/22 Haley ---- ===== About ===== The Haas Super Mini Mill is a CNC milling machine. Parts can be modeled in SOLIDWORKS and then toolpaths are programmed through an HSM add-in that generates G-code for the machine to read. The Haas can read G-code and .EGC files. ** Due to its complexity, we do not offer regular training for this tool.** If you just need it for a few parts, please use our [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQZ5JnKzOf-UZA0yWZ1XwLGQjmtgyEOFxxHWpZWUUIa8OxcA/viewform|Job Submission Google Form]] and we will machine them for you. If you believe you have a strong need to use this tool, please contact the lab manager. ---- ===== Safety Concerns ===== * Safety Glasses must be worn when machine is running * The glass doors must be in closed before starting a job * The spindle must be completely stopped before adjusting or removing work piece or tool * After milling is completed, the work piece will have developed sharp burrs which must be removed with a hand file or sandpaper * Proof your program before running it. The first time you run it, slow the rapid speed and stay by the control panel. It is a good idea to use single block mode the first time you run your program. ---- ===== Training Documentation ===== [[Haas Super Mini Mill Training SOP]] [[Haas mill setup checklist]] ---- ===== Detailed Specifications ===== 406 x 305 x 254 mm, 40 taper, 15 hp vector drive, 10,000 rpm, 30.5 m/min rapids, high-speed 10-station automatic tool changer, coolant pump, power-failure detection module, 1 GB program memory, 15″ colour LCD monitor, USB port, memory lock keyswitch, and rigid tapping. Three-phase power only. * X-axis: 16" * Y-axis: 12" * Z-axis: 10" * Spindle nose to table: 14" max 4" min * Table length: 36" * Work area length: 28.75" * Width: 12" * T-slot width: 12" * T-slot center distance: 4.33" * # T-slots: 3 * Max load on table: 500 lb * Max spindle rating: 15 hp * Max speed: 10,000 rpm * Max torque: 17 ft-lb @ 4600 rpm * Taper: 40 * Rapids: 1200 in/min * Max cutting: 833 in/min * Max thrust: 2000 lb * Max tool diameter: 3.5" ---- ===== Reference Documentation ===== {{:tools:haasminimill:haas-pre-install-manual.pdf|Pre Install Manual}} {{:tools:haasminimill:haas_mill_programming_manual.pdf|Programming Manual}} {{:tools:haasminimill:haas_mill_wips_probe_training_manual.pdf|Probe Training Manual}} {{:tools:haasminimill:mill_operators_manual_96-8200_rev_b_october_2014.pdf|Operators Manual}} {{:tools:haasminimill:programming_workbook.pdf|Programming Workbook}} [[RS232 file transfer documentation]] {{:tools:haasminimill:nexgen_cam_cnc_book.pdf|Haas / HSMWorks Intro Text}} -----