====== FormLabs Form3 3D Printers ====== ^ Form 3 ^ | {{ :tools:form3:form3.jpg?nolink&200 |}} | | **Tool Type:** 3D printer | | **Location:** Elings 3430 | | **Description:** Stereolithographic 3D printer | | **Manufacturer:** Formlabs | ---- ===== About ===== The Form3 Printers are located in the Innovation Workshop on the countertop in 3430. The FormLabs printers are liquid resin stereolithographic 3D printers capable of producing high resolution accurate models out of a variety of materials. Liquid resin printers use a bath of reactive resin which is precisely cured using specific wavelengths of light. This printer is particularly well suited for thin, high aspect ratio features and models requiring great surface accuracy. Based on the material and application, some prints will benefit from post process UV curing to strengthen and harden the finished part. See part curing documentation in UV FormCure reference documentation. Both the resin cartridges and build platforms are cross compatible with both the Form 2 as well as the newer Form 3 3D printers—however, the build tanks are not interchangeable. Types of resins are distributed between the Form 2 and Form 3 based on frequency used as well as which benefit from the low force SLA process employed by the Form 3 and should not be swapped without consultation with the staff. Resin expires a year after the date printed on the cartridge. ---- ===== Safety Concerns ===== The resin used in the FormLabs 3D printers is considered hazardous. Gloves are to be warn when replacing or removing build plates, build tanks, and resin cartridges. Refer to SDS for disposal and health hazards. ---- ===== Training Documentation ===== [[Form2SOP|Form 2/3 SOP]] ---- ===== Post-Processing ===== [[formwash_cleaner|Form Wash Cleaner]] [[formcure_uv|FormCure UV Curing Station]] {{https://3d.formlabs.com/recording-advanced-post-processing-session/?utm_campaign=webinar-post-processing&utm_medium=email&utm_source=direct | Advanced Post-Processing Webinar from FormLabs}} ---- ===== Detailed Specifications ===== Build Volume: 14.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 cm (L x W x H)\\ X,Y Accuracy: ~150 ish microns\\ Layer Thickness: 25-300 microns\\ Printable Materials: Standard resin (clear or available colors), Durable resin, Flexible resin ---- ===== Reference Documentation ===== [[https://support.formlabs.com/s/article/Design-Specs?language=en_US]] {{:tools:form2:flexible_resin_sds_eu.pdf|}} {{:tools:form2:formlabs_clear-sds.pdf|}} {{:tools:form2:durable_resin_sds_eu.pdf|}} {{ :tools:form2:workshops_3d_printer_rates_112019_1_.pdf |}} [[https://formlabs.com/blog/3d-printing-transparent-parts-techniques-for-finishing-clear-resin/|Guide to printing with clear resin]] -----