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Stratsys F270 FDM 3D Printer

Tool Type: 3D printer
Location: Innovation Workshop
Description: Enclosed duel extrusion FDM 3D printer
Manufacturer: Stratasys


The F270 is a fast and precise filament fed fusion deposition printer. It is typically set up with ABS and a soluble filament that is dissolved in a heated caustic bath.

Safety Concerns

  • The print heads can be very hot - do not touch them with bare hands unless positive they are cool.
  • As with any automated machinery make sure that your body is clear of the moving parts to avoid injury.
  • The support removal tank for the F270 is filled with heated caustic chemicals that dissolve the support material. An apron, gloves, and a face shield must be worn when inserting and removing parts or basket from tank.

Training Documentation


Detailed Specifications

Build area: 308 x 254 x 308 mm
Dual extrusion 3D printer (build and support material)
capable of printing PLA, ABS, ASA, QSR
.254 mm min layer thickness
XY tolerance of +/- .200 mm
4 spool bay

Reference Documentation

stratasys_f270.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/11 16:45 by rylin